Welcome to St Brigid’s School

Learning together with strength of character and gentleness of heart

Jennifer Ioannou
Principal / Tumuaki

Kia ora, Tālofa lava, Mālō ē lelei, Hello, Annyong, Namaste, Ni Hao, Hola, Kamusta, Bula Vinaka, Muraho, Apa kabar, Fakalofa lahi atu, Kia Orana, Minggalaba, Akwaaba

Our school environment is welcoming, happy and inclusive. Your child’s education at St Brigid’s School begins with their emotional wellbeing and happiness. A happy and positive experience at primary school lays down essential lifelong foundations.

We are a Catholic multicultural school in the centre of Johnsonville, Wellington and have a maximum roll of 330 Year 1-8 students. Our programmes of learning are enriching and innovative, designed to challenge, inspire and enjoy. We offer a range of music, cultural, leadership and sporting activities. All of this is underpinned by our Catholic Character which teaches children to respect, forgive and show kindness in their words and actions.

We believe that every child is unique and that all children bring gifts and talents that shape who they are and enable them to reach their potential. Our vision, “Learning together with strength of character and gentleness of heart” helps us grow children who are future focused, kind-hearted and lifelong learners.

Our collaborative and caring staff work together to ensure that our children get the very best educational programmes and opportunities. We value partnership with whānau and encourage them to contribute to the growth of the school.

We warmly invite you to contact us to find out more, or to arrange a visit to experience St Brigid’s School. We look forward to meeting you.

Jennifer Ioannou
Principal / Tumuaki


9-11 Phillip St, Johnsonville
Wellington 6037
04 478 6516

Principal / Tumuaki: Jennifer Ioannou
Email: principal@stbrigids.school.nz

Admin Team
Lynne Candiliotis (Executive Manager)
Email: lynne@stbrigids.school.nz
Denise Govind (School Secretary)
Email: office@stbrigids.school.nz

2025 DATES

Term 1: Friday 31 January – Friday 11 April
(Friday 11 April – Staff Only Day)

Term 2:
Monday 28 April – Friday 27 June
(Tuesday 3 June – Staff Only Day – Kāhui Ako Staff Expo Day)

Term 3: Monday 14 July – Friday 19 September
(Friday 19 September – Staff Only Day)

Term 4: Monday 6 October – Tuesday 16 December